Thursday, April 26, 2012

Surprise Bridal Shower

My co-workers surprised me last weekend with the most lovely bridal shower.  It was absolutely adorable.  From the yummy food, to the heart-shaped cookie cutter favors, to the poster of pictures that chronicled the lives and love of Lucas and was perfect!  Thank you ladies, and a big thank you to Amanda for pulling off such a cute and classy party in bush Alaska.  I was, and still am, so impressed!  :)

Monday, April 9, 2012


Who doesn't love a field trip?  Obviously students do.  As teachers, we do too!  Lucas and I were able to participate in a field trip a few weeks ago.  Alaska field trips are very different from your standard, lower 48 trips.  For example, forget the school bus.  Snow mobiles were our means of transportation.
Activities for the day included snowmobiling to the field trip location, which is just called "First Lake" around here.  It was about a 30 minute trip.  We spent the morning ice-fishing, where Lucas helped to drill holes in the ice with some machine-thingy.
Then we ice-fished and caught nothing.
My students think I am crazy for posing for a picture while ice-fishing.  This is nothing out of the ordinary for them, but it was my first time!
Lucas and I with Amanda and Scott.  They are from Texas and this is their first year in Alaska, too.  After hot dogs for lunch, the kids had a fire and shelter-building contest.  I wasn't really paying attention at first, and was super impressed when I saw the first fire blazing.  But they had lighters in their pockets, which I guess is no big deal when on a school field trip??

This was my first Easter away from my family, but we hosted a nice little dinner for our friends and it was fun.  We held Manokotak's first annual Peep Wars (a tradition I stole from my brother-in-law's family after participating in it with them last Easter).  It was more like Easter Bunny Peep Sumo Wrestling.  Two people each put a bunny on the plate and we put them in the microwave.  First bunny down loses!  So fun :)
Kirsten vs. Ashley
Nicole v. Lucas
Scott v. Kirk

Hope you had a great Easter!  We look forward to being back the Midwest soon :)  Less than 5 weeks!