Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sno-Go Snapshots

We got a lot of use out of our sno-go this winter.  We went into Dillingham on Friday night, which may just be my last trip across the tundra...ever.  While we have some really great things going on right now,  I will wait to share our big news until a few more things are finalized.  Meanwhile, here are a few of my favorite snapshots from our adventures on the White Knight (name of our sno-go, of course) these past few months.

Our favorite people in Alaska :)

Brian bikes to Dillingham!  Brave.

Men discussing men things on the tundra.

Ashley on the White Knight.

Ashley enjoying the view.

Lucas playing around.

We are pretty blessed to have had this experience in such a beautiful place.

Looking forward to being with our families and friends very soon :)

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