Monday, November 7, 2011

Let it Snow!

Winter has definitely arrived in Manokotak!  Today is the only day this week that will reach above 30 degrees.  After that we have highs in the 20's!  Brrrr!  Lucas and I attempted to go on a walk yesterday, but we got a little distracted.  Lucas didn't have enough layers on, so we had a bit of fun in the snow, then high-tailed it back indoors.

On the last Friday of October, the school held its annual Halloween Carnival.  It is a fundraiser that had a pretty good turnout.  I am the 7th grade class sponsor, so I helped the 7th graders run a game.  There are only seven 7th graders, and they took turns running "Bozo Buckets." I had the pleasure of sitting here for two hours, and I look thrilled :)  Lucas is the 10th grade class sponsor, and they made the big bucks doing a cake walk!

I have more exciting 'food news' this week, too.  Last Wednesday night, Lucas received a text from the girl's basketball coach informing him that the "Store Plane" was going to be in Manokotak soon and to spread the word to the other teachers.  Sure enough, a few minutes later, we heard the plane buzzing around the village- sending a message to get in the car or on your 4-wheeler and get to the little airport ASAP!  We hopped in the school vehicle with a few other teachers and made our way as quickly as we could.  The store plane is basically a grocery plane that brings in items that are hard/expensive to get to Manokotak like fresh produce and frozen treats.  The plane lands, the man unloads, and it is a crazy free-for-all to try and grab what you want.  It was also freezing, dark, and snowy on this particular night.  We grabbed what we wanted, stood around with our goodies in a pile, and eventually the pilot came over, added up our total, and we wrote him a check.
We got:
Summer Sausage
Mountain Dew (Lucas' treat for himself)
Drumsticks (my treat)

All of this snow is really getting me in the Christmas spirit.  I've ordered a few things for the apartment to decorate for the season but I have not allowed myself to turn on the Christmas tunes yet.  This is mostly because I still want Lucas to love me :)  ( I don't want to overkill him with Christmas cheer)!  I think I'm overly excited for the holiday because I am more than ready to travel back to the Midwest to see all of our family and friends.  And to have a peppermint mocha from Starbucks with my mom :)  Less than 6 weeks!!!
Living in Alaska is really killing my style ;)

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