Thursday, January 19, 2012

The good, the bad, and the always cold! :)

After quite the day yesterday in my classroom, I needed to step back and remember that I have it pretty good :)

I LOVE.....                                                     
My fiance                                                            
My parents
My sisters and brother-in-law
My students
Working with Lucas
Our wonderful co-workers/friends- for keeping us sane
My commute to work :)  across the street!
Fresh fruits and veggies almost once a week now
Our snow-go
Learning about a new culture
Learning from my students
Reading on my Nook! (thanks, Lucas)
Wedding planning
How simple life is here

I could go without... ;)
Having to get on a snow-go and travel 45 minutes in below zero temps to get fresh fruit and veggies
Planning a Minneapolis wedding from Manokotak
Grading papers! (ha!)

Things I took for granted (and miss...)!
Grocery store
Not having to plan ahead for meals
Having a social studies department to work and collaborate with (oh you 22 social studies teachers at my first teaching job, I miss you!)
The honest, fair, constructive, and very helpful teaching mentors I had during my first years of teaching
Caribou Coffee :)

Life is good.  Here's to hoping that there is no hair-pulling and only love in learning in the classroom today! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

...And We're Back!

Happy New Year!  We are back and settled in Manokotak and ready to start the second semester of the school year with our kiddos tomorrow.  We had a wonderful trip back to the Midwest and can't believe it has come and gone already.  It was fun, relaxing, and refreshing.  I am so grateful for the time we had to spend with family and friends.

After finals on December 16th, we quickly got on a flight right after school as there was a break in the light snow and clouds that we had been seeing on-and-off all morning.  One flight to Dillingham and one to Anchorage later, we were done traveling for the day.  Lucas' brothers Pete and Adam picked us up, and we were all able to head over to Greg and Celine's house for pizza.  Lucas' cousins Sam and Meredith are super adorable and Lucas is so good with them :)   We are so lucky to have kind and generous family members in Anchorage that provide a bed, food, and a key to their house when we are traveling through.   I can't put into words how much easier (both physically and mentally) it makes our journey/life in Alaska.

We went to lunch with Greg's family and Pete on Saturday.  Then it was off to the Bear's Tooth Theatrepub and Grill.   It is a movie theater that serves food and adult beverages-brilliant!  We got to sit in this nice little both while we watched The Christmas Story.  I hadn't seen that movie since we watched it right before Christmas break in 6th grade! :)  Loved it!

We flew out on an overnight back to Chicago.  We both got very little sleep and it was kind of a rough flight!  My parents picked us up at O'Hare and it was so wonderful to be back on my home turf.  My dad made us a delicious breakfast and then it was off to take some serious naps.  That afternoon we went to a bar with my dad and sister Jessica so Lucas could watch his Vikings.  My dad watched the Bears and Jessica and I chatted and enjoyed cheese fries :)  My parents made us a "Thanksgiving" dinner that night at my request.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here, but I missed our family's food (especially the stuffing!).  Our week in Chicago was pretty relaxing.  I had a dress fitting, found a veil, and finally cut a hair cut.  My mom and I had a peppermint mocha date at Starbucks (I was really looking forward to this)!   Lucas and I celebrated the anniversary of our engagement at Ruth's Chris Steak House- amazing!  My dad and Lucas cut up some wood that we'll be using as decor for our reception.  I caught up with my very good friends Jen, Lisa and John (all in our wedding).   My sister Erin and her husband Rick (and their dog Dixie) came in on the 23rd.  We left for Minnesota early on the 25th, but it was nice that the WHOLE family was in for Christmas Eve :)  It was a wonderful visit!

  On Christmas Day we woke up pretty early to head to Lucas' parents in Owatonna, Minnesota.  We celebrated Christmas at Lucas' grandparents' farm in Blooming Prairie.  On Monday, we ran errands with Lucas' mom, and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie with his parents.  On Tuesday, we visited Lucas' other grandma and I was able to meet his Aunt Kathy who was in from Virginia.  We drove up to the cities on Tuesday night to visit with Lucas' friends (and groomsmen) Trevor and Jake.  They're always a good time :) The next morning we were off to taste cupcakes at Sweets Bakeshop in Minneapolis and let me just say picking out flavors was a difficult but heavenly task! Yum.  Having cupcakes instead of a wedding cake was a decision that was very much Lucas'.  His attitude is usually "do whatever you want" so when he has an opinion about anything in wedding planning- I listen!  With cupcakes tasted and a difficult decision made, Lucas met up with his friend Bill to look at tuxes and I went off bridesmaid dress shopping with my bridesmaid, Becky.  We picked out dresses for her July wedding.  I love that we are getting married the same summer along with our other college roommate, Kara.  June, July, and August weddings means triple bachelorette party- we are already planning :)
I went to Toby Keith's Bar and Grill to see the Johnny Holm Band with my lovely college girls (so much fun) while Lucas picked up his sister Alicia and her husband Adrian at the airport.  We all headed back to Owatonna that night.

It was back to Chicago on the 30th for my wedding shower the next day (the traveling never ends!).  It was great to see so many friends and family members even if it was just for a few short hours.  Thank you again to everyone who attended!  And thank you to my parents and sisters for hosting.  It was lovely :)   I love you and am very grateful for you all!

We had a fun New Year's Eve at Lisa and John's.  On Sunday Lucas and my dad camped out in their man cave (aka the basement) to watch the Bears play the Vikings.  I'm pretty sure there was lots of trash-talking going on ;)  That was our last evening in the Midwest :(   Then it was up early and off to Alaska on the 2nd.

We spent two nights in Anchorage so we could run a few errands- one of them being going to the DMV to get driver's licenses.  It is official now- we are Alaskans!  If you don't believe me, just look at what we did this weekend.
Being back home with family always helps to put things in perspective.  We get to work with each other and with great kids every day.  We enjoy our group of co-workers/friends very much (see picture above!)  We were able to visit our friends and family over our Christmas break.  We are both healthy.  We are getting married and will get to celebrate this with over 200 people in just a few short months.

My dad sent me this prayer a while ago and at the beginning of the school year and I taped it to the wall next to my desk.  At first I used it when working with challenging students (a quick glance and deep breath!) but now that I've been here a few months, I've found I actually need to use it more when dealing with other things:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

There is nothing I am able to change myself that I would want to in our lives right now- we are truly blessed!  Happy 2012!