Thursday, January 19, 2012

The good, the bad, and the always cold! :)

After quite the day yesterday in my classroom, I needed to step back and remember that I have it pretty good :)

I LOVE.....                                                     
My fiance                                                            
My parents
My sisters and brother-in-law
My students
Working with Lucas
Our wonderful co-workers/friends- for keeping us sane
My commute to work :)  across the street!
Fresh fruits and veggies almost once a week now
Our snow-go
Learning about a new culture
Learning from my students
Reading on my Nook! (thanks, Lucas)
Wedding planning
How simple life is here

I could go without... ;)
Having to get on a snow-go and travel 45 minutes in below zero temps to get fresh fruit and veggies
Planning a Minneapolis wedding from Manokotak
Grading papers! (ha!)

Things I took for granted (and miss...)!
Grocery store
Not having to plan ahead for meals
Having a social studies department to work and collaborate with (oh you 22 social studies teachers at my first teaching job, I miss you!)
The honest, fair, constructive, and very helpful teaching mentors I had during my first years of teaching
Caribou Coffee :)

Life is good.  Here's to hoping that there is no hair-pulling and only love in learning in the classroom today! :)


  1. Hang in there baby!! Only 4 months left :)

  2. Ashley! Thanks for the shout-out! I miss you! I wish you were still just across the room from me every day! :(
