Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Madness!

Things don't seem to ever slow down here.  I feel like I'm still trying to catch up from missing four days of school at the end of February for the Alaska Statewide Special Education Conference in Anchorage.  It was a great trip, but I'm still paying for it!  Here are some things we've been up to lately:

Ice sculpture in downtown Anchorage:

My favorite co-workers with me in Anchorage.  

Starbucks :) Such a treat while in Anchorage!

Our one and only home basketball game:

Now that basketball season is over, we can have fun on weeknights with our snow machine:

Lucas shot his first ptarmigan!  We got some breast meat off of it (a little tiny bit), but have yet to eat it....

... because we already had a moose roast in the crock pot for dinner :)

And the decision has been made- we will be back in Alaska for the 2012-2013 school year!

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