Sunday, September 30, 2012

You know you live in bush Alaska when...

1. snows in September.  We ran out this morning to snap a few pictures of the flurries.  It is hard to tell, but you can see the snow on the 4-wheeler the best in the last picture.  ps. We look tired. We just woke up....

2. ...the words "store plane" get your heart racing and send you running for warm clothes and your check book.  Last fall, the store plane came once.  So far this school year, it has been to Manokotak three times!  Lucas and I went out together earlier this month.  We tried to recreate our picture from last year with the Drumsticks and our friend Nellie, but a a few students snuck in our picture:

The store plane came yesterday while Lucas was out duck/geese hunting.  I was in school working on yet another paper for grad. school when I got the phone call.  Yogurt, bananas, apples, and oranges made their way back to our apartment this time.  We were basically out of fresh produce, so this was great timing.  I wasn't too concerned as I am heading into District Office in Dillingham on Wednesday for a Social Studies curriculum meeting and will be able to do some shopping.

3. stop your first period class to run outside and take pictures of the rainbow over the hill.

This is the view from my classroom window.  I have the best view in the whole school :)

Things are really good in Manokotak.  We are staying busy between volleyball practice, grad. school (for me), hunting (for Lucas), and lesson planning.  Can you believe tomorrow is October?

-A + L

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