Saturday, May 4, 2013

Moving On

Our Alaskan adventure is quickly coming to an end.  On June 1st, we will become residents of Minnesota once again.  While our experience in Alaska is one we are very grateful for, we are so excited about the opportunities (both personal and professional) that await us back in Minnesota.

Lucas was offered and accepted a position at a K-6 school as an elementary teacher with a math emphasis.  What sold us on the position was the the superintendent and assistant principal that interviewed him.  Not only did they work with the Minnesota Dept. of Education to try and obtain a reading position for me in their school, but they both helped in our search for a home to rent.  Lucas' superintendent even went and scouted out a place we were interested in!  Above and beyond!  Lucas is so lucky to work with such nice, considerate people.  And they are very excited about him as well! :)

While Lucas' new school district was actively pursuing a position for me, it was not a for sure deal.  The state had to approve the money for the position, which would not happen until June.  In the meantime, I was offered and accepted a position at a 7-12 school as a 7th Grade social studies teacher (US History).   I am so excited to be part of a social studies department again AND a member of the 7th grade team.  I truly miss collaborating with colleagues on a regular basis and having real, professional conversations about social studies and my students.  The three men that interviewed me--wow!  So nice and so excited about my MEd in Reading and Literacy!  One of the social studies teachers talked about how supportive the principal is, and the principal returned the compliment, stating that the social studies team is amazing.  I feel so incredibly blessed to have landed this job!

We were a bit concerned about finding a house to rent because the rental market in the area is pretty nonexistent.  We are holding off on buying until we get to know the area and the school districts.  However, right around the time I had my interview, we got word of a 4-bedroom house in a town that is close to Lucas' school and not all that far from my school either.  I could not believe how nice it was and the rent-- less than what I paid a month for a one-bedroom apartment in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.  Sold!  Again, I just can't get over how perfectly everything is coming together for us.

I plan on writing a final post at the end of the school year (two more weeks- yay!).  I just could not wait to share all of this exciting news!

Enjoy your weekend!

-A + L

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