Friday, May 31, 2013

The End

 Lucas with his senior boys.
 Reading my 8th grade students' names at graduation.
 Prom pose, of course, with some of our students.
 I am going to miss these girls.
 Lucas with the Prom King.
Hanging out.
 This student made us a "good-bye" cake.
 I am clearly more excited by the cake than Lucas.
 Basketball awards at the final school assembly.
 In love with my little ones! :)
  It is always the ones that give you the hardest time that make sure to visit and say goodbye...
 Showing students where we are going to live in Minnesota.
 The best girls!
 Everyone wanted in on this picture :)
 Basketball boys.
 Love them.
 She gave my the sweetest good-bye/thank you note! :)
 Lucas with his basketball star.
 Little ones visiting our place.
 A little one I am going to miss so much!
 They love each other, really.
We are going to miss you too, kids.  

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Moving On

Our Alaskan adventure is quickly coming to an end.  On June 1st, we will become residents of Minnesota once again.  While our experience in Alaska is one we are very grateful for, we are so excited about the opportunities (both personal and professional) that await us back in Minnesota.

Lucas was offered and accepted a position at a K-6 school as an elementary teacher with a math emphasis.  What sold us on the position was the the superintendent and assistant principal that interviewed him.  Not only did they work with the Minnesota Dept. of Education to try and obtain a reading position for me in their school, but they both helped in our search for a home to rent.  Lucas' superintendent even went and scouted out a place we were interested in!  Above and beyond!  Lucas is so lucky to work with such nice, considerate people.  And they are very excited about him as well! :)

While Lucas' new school district was actively pursuing a position for me, it was not a for sure deal.  The state had to approve the money for the position, which would not happen until June.  In the meantime, I was offered and accepted a position at a 7-12 school as a 7th Grade social studies teacher (US History).   I am so excited to be part of a social studies department again AND a member of the 7th grade team.  I truly miss collaborating with colleagues on a regular basis and having real, professional conversations about social studies and my students.  The three men that interviewed me--wow!  So nice and so excited about my MEd in Reading and Literacy!  One of the social studies teachers talked about how supportive the principal is, and the principal returned the compliment, stating that the social studies team is amazing.  I feel so incredibly blessed to have landed this job!

We were a bit concerned about finding a house to rent because the rental market in the area is pretty nonexistent.  We are holding off on buying until we get to know the area and the school districts.  However, right around the time I had my interview, we got word of a 4-bedroom house in a town that is close to Lucas' school and not all that far from my school either.  I could not believe how nice it was and the rent-- less than what I paid a month for a one-bedroom apartment in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.  Sold!  Again, I just can't get over how perfectly everything is coming together for us.

I plan on writing a final post at the end of the school year (two more weeks- yay!).  I just could not wait to share all of this exciting news!

Enjoy your weekend!

-A + L

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sno-Go Snapshots

We got a lot of use out of our sno-go this winter.  We went into Dillingham on Friday night, which may just be my last trip across the tundra...ever.  While we have some really great things going on right now,  I will wait to share our big news until a few more things are finalized.  Meanwhile, here are a few of my favorite snapshots from our adventures on the White Knight (name of our sno-go, of course) these past few months.

Our favorite people in Alaska :)

Brian bikes to Dillingham!  Brave.

Men discussing men things on the tundra.

Ashley on the White Knight.

Ashley enjoying the view.

Lucas playing around.

We are pretty blessed to have had this experience in such a beautiful place.

Looking forward to being with our families and friends very soon :)

- A + L

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Coach Kaplan

So much has happened since our return to Manokotak in January.  In less than a week I hope to be back in Chicago with my family.  My grandma passed away early this morning, and I am hoping to get back for the funeral in a week.   I wish Lucas could go with me, but it is so expensive to get home it makes more sense for me to go alone.  We've been spending our time teaching, lesson-planning, grading papers, working on graduate coursework, coaching, and more.  We have the greatest (and coolest, I'm told!) friends here and it is nice to take at least one day a week to relax and enjoy our free time in Alaska.

Today was Lucas' last time coaching.  His boys presented him with a gift to show their appreciation for his work the last three years.  They were supposed to present it to him in front of the crowd, but I guess administration missed the memo and so they presented it to him after the game in his classroom.  I think it meant more this way- an intimate moment with his boys that look up to him so much.  

We are finding out how much this community supports us, loves us, and values what we do for their kids.  So many bittersweet conversations with parents and community members this week :)  We are so thankful for that!  Here are some pictures of what we've been up to!

Ashley on our snow-go, heading home from date night in Dillingham :)

One of the cuties we like to hang out with!

Ashley chaperoning the middle school girls basketball team in Dillingham.

 My middle school girls!

Last game of the season.

Lucas' gift from the team.
 Our coach: Not just a great man, but a leader of boys as we became men.

Nice job this year, Manokotak Lynx!

We have so much to look forward to this year.  Ready for the holding pattern to be over and moving on with the lives we want to live :)

-A + L

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

We made it back to our little village today and are all unpacked and settled in.  Our Christmas break went by too quickly, of course, and we are back to work tomorrow.  We are very blessed to have spent the holidays with our families and to have had the opportunity to see lots of friends while in Illinois and Minnesota.  While it is always hard to leave the ones we love in the Lower 48, it was especially hard this time around.  It is partially because our parents spoil us while we are visiting, but mostly because I am just so happy the whole time that I am at my parent's house.  It is just so relaxing and joyful :)

Highlights of our trip include:

1) Family time.  This takes the cake!  In Illinois we spent lots of time with my parents and younger sister, Jessica.   We spent Christmas Eve at my uncle and aunt's and got to visit with my mom's side of the family.  I cannot imagine ever missing Christmas Eve with the Vick's!  We visited with my grandmother and aunt (Hendricks family side) on Christmas Day for a bit as well.  There was also a birthday celebration for Grandma Vick and breakfast out with the grandparents the day before we flew back to Alaska.  I love, love, love being back in Sleepy Hollow!  Love.

In Minnesota we stayed with Lucas' parents and were able to celebrate Christmas with the Kaplan side of the family on the 30th.  We watched the Vikings game (obviously) in the shed (obviously) because that is what you do when in Owatonna, Minnesota :)  Lucas was in heaven.

We also spent the weekend with my sister and brother-in-law in St. Paul while up in Minnesota.  It was super fun to be able to spend some quality time with them, even though it was too short!  We had taco/game night and also were able to go to a Timberwolves game in Minneapolis with them.  I am absolutely pumped for this summer because we have some plans in the works that would have us living very, very close to Erin and Rick.  More details on that to come :)

2) Friend Time.  We are lucky we have friends that are willing to drive a bit to see us.  We get pretty sick of driving back and forth between Illinois and Minnesota, so luckily we have the some sweet friends that meets us at places that are convenient for us!  I was able to see my best friend from high school, Jen, who now lives in Des Moines.  We happened to be back in our hometowns around the same time.  Chit-chatting and coffee with her is always the best!  I wished we lived closer :(  I also got to see the my college ladies/roomies- Becky, Rebekah, Kara, and Skuza.  I love that we can all get together and it is like six months hasn't even passed since we last saw each other.  It is really hard to leave these girls.  They make me so happy and there is never enough time to catch up properly.  I look forward to when we are back in Minnesota (pretty sure it will be in the cards one day) and I can spend more time with them.  Summers off with Becky in the cities have amazing potential :)  And we have a couple more weddings yet to celebrate along with future little ones (in a few years...).  Lots to look forward to!

We also were able to meet up with Lucas' college roommate and his girlfriend while in St. Paul.  Nicest couple ever, and I was glad we were able to see them.  New Year's Eve was celebrated in Owatonna with Lucas' high school crew.  I always tell Lucas he picked some pretty sweet friends- it was lots of fun.

3) Football.  I feel like our break was dominated by football-watching (I am exaggerating slightly, but it was ALWAYS on).  In fact, as I am typing this, Lucas is watching the Redskins play the Seahawks.  I like family and friend time a lot more than football time.  I tend to want to take naps while football is on (and I did, yesterday, at one of Lucas' brother's friend's house while watching the Vikings game in Anchorage).  Family + Friends > Football.  That's really all I have to say about that.

I am hopeful about you, 2013.  2012 was pretty amazing (how can you top getting married and going to Jamaica?), but I think there are some bigger and better things to come this year.  We are praying (and would really appreciate extra prayers as well) and working hard on our end to make some things happen in the next few months.  Keep thinking of us as we are on this journey of life, love, and learning in Alaska.  Happy New Year!

-A + L